(NY) 3 st. Solglasögon Nathalie Schuterman: Gwyneth Gold, Billie Black samt Aviator Brown

  • 12/96729
  • Stockholm
  • 81615

 2025-03-19 11:11:00 

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(NY) 3 st. Solglasögon Nathalie Schuterman: Gwyneth Gold, Billie Black samt Aviator Brown

Nypris 3 st. glasögon: 8685 kr (Nypris 1 st. glasögon: 2895 kr)

Gwyneth Sunglasses Gold:
The Nathalie Schuterman 'Gwyneth' Sunglasses boast a unique square lens shape with a minimalistic frame design. The frame is meticulously crafted to deliver a sleek, modern appearance. The sunglasses feature the brand's engravings on both temples and a discreet Nathalie Schuterman logo inscribed on the lenses. The 'Gwyneth' sunglasses are a perfect fusion of style and technical design, with a touch of sophistication.

Billie Sunglasses Black:
The Nathalie Shuterman 'Billie' sunglasses has a chic cat eye shape and sharp, defined edges, offering a bold, edgy look. The Nathalie Schuterman engravings on both temples and the delicate logo on the lenses are subtle nods to the brand's commitment to luxury fashion. The 'Billie' sunglasses are designed to elevate the wearer's appearance and make a statement wherever they go. Embrace your bold side with 'Billie'.

Aviator Sunglasses Brown:
The Nathalie Schuterman 'Aviator' sunglasses are a stylish fusion of timeless design and technical precision. These sunglasses are crafted with a classic aviator shape, evoking a sense of timeless style. The frame is meticulously designed to provide both comfort and durability, ensuring a premium experience for the wearer. The Nathalie Schuterman engravings on both temples, along with a discreet logo on the lenses, are a testament to the brand's commitment to luxury fashion. Elevate your look with the timeless sophistication our classic 'Aviator' sunglasses.

Information om utlämning/frakt: Fredag 21 mars kl. 08:30 till 13:00 på/i Linta Gårdsväg 5a, Bromma. Frakt möjlig

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200 kr 81615 2025-03-12 21:58:57
150 kr 81919 2025-03-12 21:58:57
100 kr 81615 2025-03-12 20:47:21
50 kr 3197 2025-03-10 19:33:22
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Adress: Linta Gårdsväg 5a, Bromma
Visning: Efter ö.k. med hello@budi.se
Avslut: 19 Mars 11:00
Utlämning: Fredag 21 mars kl. 08:30 till 13:00
Kartlänk: Länk till karta
Övrigt: Endast utsatta tider gäller.
Betalning: SWISH eller VISA/Mastercard

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